Big Pharma - Big Lies: The Business of Keeping You Sick

Big Pharma - Big Lies: The Business of Keeping You Sick

 Awake Eye

If pharmaceutical companies cured diseases, they’d be out of business.

A healthy population is not a profitable one. Big Pharma isn’t designed to heal—it’s designed to create customers.

From chronic disease management to price-gouging lifesaving drugs, the system is built to maximize profits at the expense of human health.

💰 The Profit Motive: Why Cures Are Bad for Business

Pharmaceutical giants spend billions on research—but not to find cures. Instead, they focus on lifelong treatments that create dependency and guarantee cash flow for decades.

🔥 1. Treating Symptoms, Not Root Causes

Most blockbuster drugs aren’t designed to cure anything. They just suppress symptoms so patients stay hooked.

  A one-time cure is a one-time sale. A drug you need forever is endless revenue.

🔥 2. The Patent Scam: Owning Medicine

  Big Pharma locks down patents to block cheaper alternatives from ever hitting the market.

  A drug that costs $5 to produce is sold for hundreds—sometimes thousands—per dose.

🔥 3. Repackaging Old Drugs as “New”

  Instead of true innovation, Big Pharma slightly tweaks old drugs to extend patents and keep prices high.

  A new formula, a slight dosage change, and suddenly it’s a “breakthrough” drug—with a brand-new price tag.

💀 Real-Life Examples of Profit Over People

🚨 Insulin: A 100-Year-Old Drug That’s Still Unaffordable

  Insulin was discovered in 1921 and sold for $1.

  Today? The same drug costs hundreds per month because of artificial price hikes.

  Some diabetics are forced to ration their doses—and dying as a result.

🚨 The EpiPen Scandal: Price-Gouging in Broad Daylight

  A life-saving $100 emergency treatment shot up to $600+ overnight.

  The CEO? Gave herself a 600% raise while parents struggled to afford their children’s medication.

🚨 Cancer Treatment: Built to Bankrupt You

  Billions have been donated to cancer research, yet drug prices have only gone up.

  Some chemo drugs cost $10,000+ per dose, even after patents expire.

🚨 The Opioid Epidemic: Big Pharma’s Deadliest Scam

  Purdue Pharma lied about opioids being “safe” and marketed addiction.

  The result? A nationwide crisis, millions dead, and almost zero accountability.

🤑 The “Blockbuster Drug” Model: Why They Ignore Cures

Big Pharma doesn’t want cures. It wants subscribers.

✅ Target chronic conditions (diabetes, heart disease, depression) that require lifelong medication.

✅ Ignore rare diseases because they aren’t profitable enough.

✅ Suppress alternative treatments that could cut into their bottom line.

A one-time cure isn’t good business.

A lifetime subscription is.

🎭 The Marketing Machine: Selling Sickness

Big Pharma doesn’t just sell drugs—it sells disease.

💰 Pharma spends more on marketing than on research. Why? Because convincing people they need a drug is more profitable than actually curing them.

🔊 Direct-to-Consumer Advertising

  The U.S. and New Zealand are the only countries that allow drug commercials.

  They convince people they need medication—often for normal bodily functions.

“Ask your doctor if [insert overpriced drug] is right for you.”

👨‍⚕️ Doctor Bribes and Kickbacks

  Pharma companies pay doctors for speaking gigs, consulting, and “research.”

  Some doctors prescribe high-cost drugs not because they’re better—but because of incentives.

🚨 Disease Mongering: Creating New “Sicknesses”

  Big Pharma redefines normal behaviors as disorders to create new markets for drugs.

  Ever heard of “Restless Leg Syndrome”? That’s Big Pharma turning a minor inconvenience into a billion-dollar industry.

🔬 The Regulatory Capture: Who’s REALLY in Charge?

The agencies meant to protect public health are often controlled by the very industries they regulate.

💼 The Revolving Door

  FDA executives often get hired by Big Pharma after approving their drugs.

Former pharmaceutical execs become FDA officials.

  The result? No real oversight.

Fast-Tracked Approvals for Profit

  Drugs get rushed to market with incomplete testing because of corporate pressure.

  Years later, they get recalled—but not before billions in profit have been made.

☠️ Hidden Side Effects: Profits Over Safety

  Many dangerous drugs stay on the market until lawsuits pile up.

  By then, the damage is done—lives lost, families ruined, but shareholders happy.

💡 Solutions: How to Fight Back

The system is stacked against us. But we aren’t powerless.

✅ Educate Yourself – Don’t just trust ads. Research medications, side effects, and alternatives.

✅ Demand Transparency – Support laws that force drug companies to justify pricing.

✅ Support Independent Research – Push for healthcare funding outside of corporate control.

✅ Prioritize PreventionInvest in natural remedies, nutrition, and lifestyle changes to cut pharmaceutical dependency.

✅ Boycott Corrupt Companies – Stop buying from brands with predatory pricing.

When corporations profit from illness, who pays the price?

🔥 Families go bankrupt trying to afford life-saving medications.

🔥 People die waiting for affordable alternatives that never come.

🔥 Trust in medicine erodes as patients wonder if they’re being healed or exploited.

🚨 Closing Truth Bomb

Pharmaceutical companies don’t exist to heal you.

They exist to profit off your sickness.

They have convinced the world they save lives—but at what cost?

Every time you prioritize prevention over prescriptions…

Every time you question a drug instead of blindly accepting it…

Every time you demand better…

You’re taking a stand.

Because the most dangerous thing to Big Pharma?

⚠️ An informed public that refuses to be powerless.

🔥 Share this article. Spark the conversation. Because the fight for real health starts with YOU. 🔥

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This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice in health, finance, or legal matters. While we strive to provide well-researched perspectives, we encourage independent research and critical thinking. Always consult with a qualified professional before making significant changes to your lifestyle, routine, or decisions, especially if you have specific concerns or pre-existing conditions. Our goal is not to incite fear, but to empower readers with knowledge, transparency, and accountability.
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