Vol.25 - Globalist Elites

Vol.25 - Globalist Elites

Globalist Elites: The Hidden Power Structures

Express Synopsis

This volume explores the sinister realm of globalist elites, an ultra-wealthy group that wields immense power over global affairs. These elites view the masses as disposable and engage in manipulative tactics, including war profiteering and economic control, to maintain dominance. We delve into their goals of total control through digital currencies, social credit scores, and AI, alongside their involvement in secretive and potentially malevolent practices. Solutions focus on transparency, democratic engagement, and resistance to authoritarian measures to protect individual freedoms.


In the hidden corridors of power reside the globalist elites—an oligarchy of ultra-wealthy families and individuals whose influence extends far beyond ordinary political and economic boundaries. These elites, often associated with entities like BlackRock and Vanguard, are perceived as viewing the general populace not as citizens but as expendable resources. Their actions suggest a quest for total control, encompassing financial dominance, technological oversight, and societal manipulation.

What’s Actually Happening

The Elite Power Structure:

  • Wealth Concentration: The top 1%, including the "300 families" and the "Council of 13," hold an overwhelming share of global wealth.
  • Manipulation and Control: Utilizing financial leverage, political influence, and ownership of major corporations, these elites orchestrate global events and policies.

Economic and Technological Dominance:

  • Digital Currencies and Social Credit: There is a push for centralized digital currencies and social credit systems to monitor and control every aspect of individual lives.
  • AI and Automation: The rise of AI reduces the need for human labor, making the masses increasingly irrelevant in the eyes of the elites.

Warfare and Depopulation:

  • War Profiteering: These elites are often implicated in funding both sides of conflicts to profit from chaos and destruction.
  • Depopulation Agendas: Efforts to reduce global populations are seen as a means to maintain control over resources and power.

Sinister Practices:

  • Secret Rituals: Allegations of involvement in dark and malevolent rituals, symbolizing their disdain for the common people.
  • View of Humanity: They see the masses as disposable, akin to cattle, only valuable for their labor and consumption.

Why It’s Important

  • Erosion of Freedoms: The elites' push for centralized control threatens personal liberties and democratic values.
  • Economic Disparity: The concentration of wealth exacerbates inequality, leaving the majority impoverished.
  • Surveillance State: Digital currencies and social credit systems pave the way for a surveillance state, stripping away privacy.
  • Ethical Concerns: The use of AI and automation, alongside depopulation efforts, raises significant ethical questions.

Why It’s Bad

  1. Loss of Autonomy: Centralized control and surveillance infringe upon personal freedoms and autonomy.
  2. Increased Inequality: Wealth concentration perpetuates poverty and limits social mobility.
  3. Human Rights Violations: Depopulation strategies and authoritarian measures lead to significant human rights abuses.
  4. Environmental Impact: The focus on control and profit often disregards sustainable practices, harming the planet.
  5. Moral Degradation: Alleged involvement in dark rituals and unethical practices undermines societal values.

Who’s Actually Controlling Things

  • Ultra-Wealthy Families: Dynasties with vast wealth and influence, such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.
  • Major Corporations: Entities like BlackRock, Vanguard, and other multinational conglomerates.
  • Political Figureheads: Politicians and policymakers who serve the interests of these elites, often at the expense of the public.

Solutions – How to Make This Better

  1. Transparency and Accountability: Demand greater transparency in financial and political systems to expose undue influence.
  2. Democratic Engagement: Strengthen democratic institutions and encourage active public participation in governance.
  3. Digital Rights: Advocate for robust data privacy laws to protect individual freedoms.
  4. Economic Reforms: Implement policies to promote economic equality and prevent monopolistic practices.
  5. Ethical AI Development: Ensure AI technologies prioritize human welfare over control and profit.
  6. Public Awareness: Educate the public about the elites' influence and the importance of resisting authoritarian measures.


The hidden power structures of globalist elites pose a grave threat to individual freedoms, economic equality, and democratic principles. By understanding their mechanisms of control and advocating for transparency, accountability, and ethical practices, we can work towards a more just and equitable society. It is imperative to resist authoritarian measures and promote democratic engagement to safeguard our collective future.

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